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Prefix Configuration

Customizing the default prefixes for your project.

As seen in one of our Core Concepts: Fit with Your CSS, Captain's separators are customisable

Captain has two kinds of separators: those that specify something is an extension of an object, and should be used as a child element inside of it, and those that specify it is a modification of an object, and should be used alongside it on the same element.

We call these Element separators, and Modifier separators, respectively.

By default, both separators are set to -.

// tailwind.config.js
module.exports = {
  captain: {
    separator: {
      elements: '-',
      modifiers: '-',

This will produce output like:

.wrapper: {}
.wrapper-sm: {}
.wrapper-bleed: {}

<div class="wrapper wrapper-sm">
  <div class="wrapper-bleed">...</div>

These can be changed to whatever you prefer. For example, BEM would look like this:

// tailwind.config.js
module.exports = {
  captain: {
    separator: {
      elements: '__',
      modifiers: '--',

This will produce output like:

.wrapper: {}
.wrapper--sm: {}
.wrapper__bleed: {}

<div class="wrapper wrapper--sm">
  <div class="wrapper__bleed">...</div>