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PX/REM functions

A development helper for more easily translating between px, rem and em, and creating name/value pairs for your tailwind config.

Default class reference

pxToRem(px, base = 16) => `${px / base}rem`pxToRem(24)'1.5rem'
pxToRemPair(px, base = 16) => ({ [px]: pxToRem(px, base) })pxToRemPair(24){ '24': '1.5rem' }
pxToEm(px, base = 16) => `${px / base}em`pxToEm(24)'1.5em'
pxToEmPair(px, base = 16) => ({ [px]: pxToEm(px, base) })pxToEmPair(24){ '24': '1.5em' }
pxPair(px) => ({ [px]: `${px}px` })pxPair(24){ '24': '24px' }


The px/rem helper does not output any classes, but is instead a development utility.

The px/rem helper functions make it easier to create Tailwind config files, particularly when transposing values from design software like Figma, Zeplin or Adobe XD.

// tailwind.config.js
const { pxToRemPair } = require('@captaincss/captaincss/helpers');

module.exports = {
  theme: {
    fontSize: {

// which would result in

module.exports = {
  theme: {
    fontSize: {
      '12': '0.75rem',
      '14': '0.875rem',
      '16': '1rem',
      '18': '1.125rem',
      '22': '1.375rem',

Base Font size

By default, the helpers use a base font size of 16 to generate the sizes.

However, each helper method takes a second parameter, which allows you to change the base font size.

// tailwind.config.js
const { pxToRemPair } = require('@captaincss/captaincss/helpers');

module.exports = {
  theme: {
    fontSize: {
      ...pxToRemPair(12, 18),     // { '12': '0.66666667rem' },
      ...pxToRemPair(14, 18),     // { '14': '0.77777778rem' },
      ...pxToRemPair(16, 18),     // { '16': '0.88888889rem' },
      ...pxToRemPair(18, 18),     // { '18': '1rem' },
      ...pxToRemPair(22, 18),     // { '22': '1.22222222rem' }, 

It is likely you will only have one base font size, and so repeating it for each function call can be tedious.

Instead, it is best practice to move this to a helper function, which stores the base font size and uses it automatically for each call.

// tailwind.config.js
const { pxToRemPair: pxToRemPairHelper } = require('@captaincss/captaincss/helpers');

const baseFontSize = 18;
const pxToRemPair = (px) => {
  return pxToRemPairHelper(px, baseFontSize);

module.exports = {
  theme: {
    fontSize: {
      ...pxToRemPair(12),     // { '12': '0.66666667rem' },
      ...pxToRemPair(14),     // { '14': '0.77777778rem' },
      ...pxToRemPair(16),     // { '16': '0.88888889rem' },
      ...pxToRemPair(18),     // { '18': '1rem' },
      ...pxToRemPair(22),     // { '22': '1.22222222rem' }, 